National Planning Policy Framework 2021 (NPPF)
Economic objective: to help build a strong, responsive and competitive economy
Social objective: to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities
Environmental objective: to protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment
• Delivering a sufficient supply of homes
• Building a strong competitive economy
• Ensuring the vitality of town centres
• Promoting healthy and safe communities
• Promoting sustainable transport
• Supporting high quality communications infrastructure
• Making effective use of land
• Achieving well-designed places
• Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
• Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
The NPPF sets out the sustainable development objectives listed above to which all planning must respond. At the heart of the NPPF is the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ identifying the three interdependent roles delivered through the preparation and implementation of plans. Our Neighbourhood Development Plan must help to deliver sustainable development. This means taking a very careful approach so that we can meet our present day needs while not compromising the needs of future generations.
Theme 1: To support the economy
Remove unnecessary barriers to jobs, business and investment and support both new business and the traditional industries of fishing, farming and minerals. Enhance the cultural and tourist offer in Cornwall as a year-round destination for tourism and recreation. Provide and enhance retail provision that adds to economic growth and better economic performance.
Theme 2: To enable self-sufficient and resilient communities.
Meet housing need for everyone in the community, supported by local community facilities. Provide for jobs and deliver homes locally to meet needs. Housing that can best support the role and function of local communities as well as allow for further change and adaptation. Ensure that infrastructure is provided that will enable development to benefit the local community.
Theme 3: To promote good health and wellbeing for everyone.
Meet local needs for community, cultural, social, retail, health, education, religious, and recreational facilities, to improve quality of life and reduce social exclusion. Promote development that contributes to a healthy and safe population by opportunities for walking and cycling and appropriate levels of open space and the protection and improvement of air quality.
Theme 4: To make the most of our environment.
Make the best use of our resources by:
△△ Reducing energy consumption while increasing renewable and low carbon energy production. △△ Maximising the use of previously used land. Supporting local food production.
△△ Increasing resilience to climate change.
Enhance and reinforce local natural, landscape and historic character and distinctiveness and raise the quality of development through:
△△ Respecting the distinctive character of Cornwall’s diverse landscapes.
△△ Maintaining and enhancing an effective network of open space and environmental stewardship for our eco-systems services network for food production, flood control and wildlife.
△△ Excellence in design to maintain the distinctive character and quality of Cornwall.