Pelynt NDP Contacts

February 2025 and the submitted (not voted as law yet) Pelynt plan is being publicised by Cornwall Council. Now is the time to make your comments to our Council planning and housing department. Here is a link to the Pelynt plan application:


You must have a website account and be logged in to make a comment.  Please log in here: Planning Portal

OR register, similar page: register

You can also write a letter to:

Neighbourhood Planning, PO Box 676, Threemilestone, Truro TR1 9EQ with the planning application reference.

Other parish information can be found on the Pelynt Parish website:

Help with understanding the plan may be found with your local councillors or the Steering Group if you email [email protected].

Pelynt water treatment works to upgrade the capacity in times of heavy rain almost completed.